Gravatar (a portmanteau of globally recognized avatar) is a service for providing globally unique avatars and was created by Tom Preston-Werner. Since 2007, it has been owned by Automattic, having integrated it into their blogging platform.
For some reason, Gravatar is truly slow in countries like China, Russia, etc. So We created this site to speed it up in these countries. Thanks to mutli-CDN, we are the fastest avatar provider in the world.(By 2022-03)
By using self developed web server TP_Server. For some commercial reason, Details information are not provided.
First of all, to get our avatar, users should get our server's IP address first, so for DNS we choose AliDNS(Unicast, just for mainland China users) + AWS Route 53(Anycast) which is super fast for users all around the world.
Our super fast DNS also use Geo dispatch so user will being routed to CDN server that is truly close to them, which can make deliver super fast and stable.
For visiters in Mainland China, they'll use Alibaba Cloud's CDN (Support IPv4 + IPv6) which has more than 1700 Unicast POPs in Mainland China.
For visiters in Russia & CIS, they'll use G Core Labs' CDN (Support IPv4 + IPv6) which has 42 Anycast POPs in Russia & CIS.
For visiters around the world, they'll use AWS CloudFront(Support IPv4 + IPv6) which has 303 Unicast POPs worldwide.
Detailed POPs' map will be uploaded soon.
Just visit:{YOUR EMAIL MD5 HASH} Additional details can be found on
We are sorry, but, NO. Due to some uncertainties, we can not provide any SLA guarantee. If we stop service, DO NOT be unhappy.